الأحد، 27 مايو 2012


Maira Soliman
The title of the source is Rural Rides and was written by William Cobbett in the year of 1822-24. In Hartswood, England it’s a small passage from the book Rural Rides by William. The book was made up of descriptions on how the author saw rural life and this book helped the formation of Parliamentary Agriculture Committee.

The purpose is to prove the destruction of the rural economy. It’s about lifestyle in rural places of England that are now very poor. Cobbetts main focus on the poor and pauperism. He called for the readers to understand that England’s rural life isn’t as glorious as it used to be. He wanted to appeal to the people of urban and rural Britain.

It helped by telling me that the economy was terrible in rural England forcing. Many to move to urban areas and cause urbanization. William was the son of an innkeeper and a farmer served in the army in and then later became a well-known journalist.


The good part of rural living and economy, because he grew up there and thinks. Its way worse than it actually is. There aren’t any other sources that can support this. William is a Journalist so it’s pretty much in his field.

Source 2

[56] ART. III. —1. Abstract of the Answers and Returns made pursuant to an Act passed in the eleventh year of his Majesty King. George the Fourth, intituled ' An Act for the taking an Account of the Population of Great Britain, and the increase or diminution thereof.' Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed, 2nd April; 1833. 3 Vols. folio. 
2. Abstract of Returns under the Irish Population Acts—Enumeration, 1831. Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed, 7th, August, 
3. Sur la Population de la Grande Bretagne. Par L. R. Villermé 1834.

The Quarterly Review published April, 1835 talks about the population changes in population in Great Britain and Ireland. John Murray wrote the collection of journals of the Quarterly Review.

The source was created to prove the drastic changes in the country’s population and its population density. The main focus is on population and how it effects urbanization in England and maybe even Ireland. The intended audience is all citizens of UK.

This helped me better understand the reason way people started moving to the big city. This drastic move helped develop the system of urbanization. The source talks on how small towns became too crowded and too poor so most people were forced to move to cities to help support their financial needs. John Murray was born in London and was the son of a marine and was a well known publisher and yes he was in his field.
He was born in London but wrote in the perspective of being in a small town and but in reality he only lived in London.

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